In the event that your vehicle has been impounded, the following is a general guideline of the necessary paperwork you will need in order to claim your vehicle:
A) A valid driver's license or Government issued photo ID card
B) Current registration
C) Current insurance
D) Proof of ownership - vehicle title or, in the event of a recent title transfer (and you have not received the new title in your name)- paperwork stamped by the DMV showing the transfer has been applied for. Vehicles may only be released to the registered owner (or designated representative with a notarized note from the registered owner.)
E) If a hold has been placed on your vehicle by a police agency, you must obtain a release from that agency before the vehicle can be released. Proof of insurance, if required, may be faxed to the Impound Office.
F) Cash payment is the only accepted form of payment for impounded vehicles.
Rental Vehicles:
Impounded rental vehicles registered to and owned by a rental company will only be released to an authorized agent of said company.
Belongings can be released to the vehicle's registered owner only. If the owner is unable or unavailable to retrieve their belongings, written authorization from the registered owner will be needed stating who the individual is retrieving the items for the owner. The document must be notarized.
By Appointment Only.
East Central Towing
Office: 220 W 5th St Rush City, MN 55069
Call for after hours and Sunday impound release appointments.
Starting 01-01-2021 all towing and Service rates shall be adjusted by a fuel surcharge to allow a one percent (1%) increase in fees for every ten-cent increase in fuel cost. Fuel surcharge shall be based on two dollars ($2.00) per gallon as the base price with no fees added.
Fuel Surcharge Chart
2.00-2.099 0%
2.10-2.199 1%
2.20-2.299 2%
2.30-2.399 3%
2.40-2.499 4%
2.50-2.599 5%
2.60-2.699 6%
2.70-2.799 7%
2.80-2.899 8%
2.90-2.999 9%
3.00-3.099 10%
3.10-3.199 11%
3.20-3.299 12%
3.30-3.399 13%
3.40-3.499 14%
3.50-3.599 15%
3.60-3.699 16%
3.70-3.799 17%
3.80-3.899 18%
3.90-3.999 19%
4.00-4.099 20%